Monthly Archive: November 2012

You can’t rely on technology for homeschooling 1

You can’t rely on technology for homeschooling

Technology is great. It can make our lives easier. Technology will magically teach your children right? Wrong! When the iPad first came out I thought it would be the best thing for homeschooling. While the iPad is great for homeschooling it doesn’t magically reduce the work required for homeschooling. Sometimes it would be nice to sit my kids down with the iPad and learn all they need to know. It...

How to get rid of your math curriculum 1

How to get rid of your math curriculum

Math is the subject parents love to teach right?  Wrong! Even though I have a minor in math, I can still get frustrated trying to explain what seems like simple concepts to my children.  The traditional math curriculum utilizes a number of worksheets to cover each new topic.  At our house many times there is a search for the math book before we can even get started.  We have tried...