Stop homeschooling
Sometimes with homeschooling we can get so caught up with academics that we forget to give time for our kids to relax and think. This video is an excellent reminder that our kids do not always learn like we expect them to learn and sometimes they need to learn on their own.
This presentation is from an autistic child that is pushing the lower bounds of age when it comes to college and theories. Jacob Barnett is a mathematician and child prodigy. At age 10, Jacob was formally accepted to the University as a full-time college student. He is world’s youngest astrophysics researcher.
You can see from the video why some label him as ADHD and thought he should be in special education. Thankfully his mother believed in him. You can read about how Jacobs mom helped him reach his genius potential in her book The Spark: A Mother’s Story of Nurturing, Genius, and Autism.Jacob’s mom Kristine, resolved to follow Jacob’s “spark”—his passionate interests. She decided to focus on what Jacob could?
This also reminds me of the song “Blessing in disguise”. Sometimes the would looks at autism as something negative, however there are some unique blessings.