Homeschool Easy complete curriculum Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

If you are new to homeschooling or need a complete package, you’ll want to check out the 2nd Grade Entire School Year Curriculum from Homeschool Easy.

What is the Homeschool Easy curriculum like?

Homeschool Easy offers a fully digital curriculum for grades 1st through 5th.  The entire grade curriculum can get downloaded all at once or as individual weeks as needed.  The curriculum is digital and mostly contains pdfs that you can print out for your child. There is a lesson guide for each week or section which has links to videos that cover the subject being studied. The curriculum includes Reading, Books, Math, Grammar, History, Science, and writing.


History contains 8 months of studies.  For second grade the curriculum covers American history and geography (World and US Geography.  The first week starts with a unit on Patriotism.  History covers early American history and then presidents all the way to modern-day.  All the video links are provided so you just click the link for the lesson and then have your child fill out the answers for the lesson.  A sample lesson is shown below.


Math has 32 weeks of lessons.  There is a pdf with all the answers and a worksheet for each lesson.  The picture below shows a sample of the math lessons.


For science there are lessons about landforms, Natural resources, motion, weather, dinosaurs, and plants and animals. Each subject has a list of youtube links to go along with the lessons. For example the science lessons on weather has links to videos about weather.  You can see the questions in the picture below.

I watched most of the videos about dinosaurs with my boys and they were pretty good and entertaining.  The questions were basic and seemed to skirt evolution.  Here is a sample for T-rex dinosaurs.

Reading, Grammar, and Books

For reading the curriculum is geared for those who are already reading at second-grade level.  There are reading guides for the recommended books.

The books to go along with the curriculum are from a website called With the curriculum, you get a membership to Wilbooks.

Here is a sample of one of the reading guides.

Grammar was pretty straightforward.  Here is a sample worksheet for a grammar lesson.

It is nice to have a whole curriculum.  I really liked the History lessons.  They were simple and easy to use. Some of the other subjects may be a little hard if your second grader is not a great reader but most students should have no problems.

If you ware are looking for a full curriculum that doesn’t require a lot of lesson planning then check out Homeschool Easy.  There are grades 1 through 5. If you are interested in another grade be sure to click on the picture below to see what other reviewers thought.

Homeschool Curriculum for Grades 1 to 5 {Homeschool Easy Reviews}


Husband, Father, and Engineer trying to use technology for homeschooling my five children.

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