Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving book review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

The Critical Thinking Co.™ provides fantastic critical thinking resources for students such as Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving. I was provided the physical book Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving to use with my kids.

The Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving book has ten chapters that each cover a different type of Logic/math problem.  For example, there is a chapter on solving Geometry Word problems, and of course, there are chapters for Algebra Word problems.  Thankfully the answers are also in the back so you will not be left wondering what’s the right answer.  The introduction of the book and the beginning of each chapter have hints for solving a particular type of problem.  In the picture below you can see the flowchart suggested.

Master Logic and Math problems?  How about enjoying Math word problems?  That’s exactly what the book is for.  The book says the goal is to “have students approach all types of problems with a sense of fun anticipation and confidence.” The book has general problem-solving strategies, a flow chart, and tips for all the different types of problems.  I thought that there were a good number of examples to follow.  I always like examples and I thought the Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving book had just the right amount of example problems.

I let my son pick out what problems he thought looked interesting and then I gave him some that corresponded with his math level.  He really likes puzzles so he really enjoyed the book. You can see in the picture below one of the problems he worked out.  As you can see many of the problems have a diagram to help you draw out the problem

Here is another example of how the book leads you through an algebra story problem. You can see how it makes it easier to figure out using the provided table to fill in. I would definitely recommend it for your child if they are having problems figuring out Algebra story problems.

My problem-solving boys loved just picking up the book and trying their hand at different problems. Even my 18 year old would try some of the problems.  My boys really enjoyed the different problems.  I would suggest making sure the problems are at their level and that they don’t cheat and look at the answers in the back before they try it.  The book says grades 6 -9 and I would agree however even higher level high schoolers will enjoy the challenges.  I would recommend Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving if you have a junior high or high schooler who is not thrilled with word problems as a supplement to your math curriculum.  I would also recommend it if your child enjoys solving problems!

We used Mastering Logic & Math Problem Solving, but other families used various books from The Critical Thinking Co.™ so be sure to visit the Homeschool Review Crew to read more views.

Creative Problem Solving, Dare to Compare Math, Mastering Logic & Math and Who Is This Kid? Colleges Want to Know! {The Critical Thinking Co.™ Reviews}


Husband, Father, and Engineer trying to use technology for homeschooling my five children.

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