Category: phonics


Old School Phonics – Beacon Phonetic Chart

So excited to finialy get my hands on the New Beacon Phonetic Chart! I say “new” but it is actualy quite old. The New Beacon Phonetic Chart was published in 1932. I wonder what the Old Phonetic chart looked like. I hope to digitize this in the future and use it with my boys who are just starting to learn to read. I actually ended up with three copies of...


Phonics Friday Part 2 – Configurable word wall

It’s another Friday and I am continuing on my mission to teach my son to read. In Part 1 last week I showed a simple vowel phonics chart I put up in my boy’s room. This allows me to review with him most night his vowel sounds. This week I am adding to his “bedroom classroom” a configurable word wall. I decided to create some big letter tiles that I...

Reading Kingdom program review 0

Reading Kingdom program review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. If you are teaching your child to read be sure to check out the online reading program Reading Kingdom.  This blog post is a review of the online Reading Kingdom program.  Check out my review...

Reading raven app review 1

Reading raven app review

As a firm believer in phonics for reading I am always looking for good phonics Apps.  The Reading Raven HD iPad app is one of the few apps that start with a phonics based approach to reading.   Reading Raven Features Step-by-step curriculum lets kids learn at their own pace. Multi-sensory reading games that children find engaging. Based on proven phonics-based approach. Customizable for children ages 3 to 7. Reasons...